BOQ Estimating in Zoho CRM

BOQ means ‘Bill of Quantities’, also known as a ‘BOM’ (Bill of Materials). A BOQ Estimate has itemised BOQ Items, which are the Goods and Services (also known as Materials and Labour) required to deliver on what you promised the customer.

Each BOQ item details everything you need to know, supplier and product information, including quantity and specification details. It includes your estimated costs, mark up and price. A BOQ Item is related to purchasing, deliveries, schedules and invoices. Together, they calculate your estimate balances and cashflow position, giving you accurate Job Profitability reporting.

BOQ Estimating empowers your business with the knowledge it needs, to continuously improve on the way you estimate and deliver. Using BOQ Estimating you can easily see any unexpected costs and variations, how your job is performing and what is left to do.

Download our BOQ Configuration document and learn more about how we set up this powerful solution in Zoho CRM. BOQ Estimating is delivered using ‘MAW in Zoho’, exclusive solutions provided by SOS Consulting Group.